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Have you ever been on one of those mechanical bulls that spin and jerk you around until you fall off? Remember how it starts off really easy and slowly becomes more difficult? Imagine starting at the hardest level that little bull offers minus the security of a control panel and a cushion under your feet, add in flailing hooves and some horns, multiply that by about a hundred and you might have an idea of what it’s like to be a contestant in the Bull Riding Championships at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Aptly referred to as the “most dangerous eight seconds in sports,” the fine art of bull riding requires a rider stay atop a whirlwind of chaos using only one hand to hold on. Make sure to get your seat early, though it’s doubtful you’ll spend much time in it with all the excitement packed into the Bull Riding Championships. It’s gonna be wild! Join in on the hair-raising excitement on September 2, 2023.